
ALE Journal – Volume 1 Issue 2

Fall 2019


Basic Literacy & Numeracy

Full Issue
Full Issue

The journal discusses the challenges faced by individuals with low literacy skills in accessing and understanding health insurance information. It emphasizes the importance of clear communication in face-to-face conversations and recommends using everyday terminology. The transformative perspective of adult literacy is highlighted, emphasizing the value of learners experiences and cultural backgrounds.

The article also explores the complexity factor in tasks and the need for numeracy skills in real-life situations. It addresses the concept of whiteness and the importance of acknowledging racial identity. The journal concludes by discussing trends and future directions in adult education.

This issue of the journal includes:

Research Articles

Author(s): Iris Feinberg, Daphne Greenberg, Elizabeth L. Tighe, Michelle Mavreles Ogrodnick Georgia State University

Description: the article emphasizes the importance of addressing health insurance literacy among low-wage earners and highlights the need for interventions and support to improve their understanding and utilization of health insurance.

Author(s): Karen Magro The University of Winnipeg

Description: The article emphasizes the transformative potential of transcultural literacy learning, which opens new possibilities for understanding the dynamics of literacy and promotes personal transformation and openness to new perspectives.

Author(s): Donna Curry Center for Adult Numeracy, TERC

Description: The article encourages teachers to deepen their understanding of the PIAAC numeracy framework and apply its principles to create tasks and activities that meet the diverse needs of adult learners.

Forum: Reflections on White Racial Identity in the ABE Classroom

Author(s): Stephen D. Brookfield University of St. Thomas

Description: The article discusses the importance of white instructors in multiracial adult basic education (ABE) classrooms exploring their own whiteness, and it addresses the notion that racial identity is a cultural construct rather than a biological one.

Author(s): Edith Gnanadass University of Memphis

Description: The article critiques Stephen Brookfields concept of white racial identity and calls for a broader intersectional analysis that considers race, social class, gender, nationality, and citizenship.

Author(s): Shantih E. Clemans SUNY Empire State College

Description: The article is a response to Stephen D. Brookfields argument that white instructors should explore their white racial identity. Clemans highlights the importance of ongoing professional development and creating workshops and activities that facilitate reflection and dialogue on privilege, power, and identity.

Author(s): Stephen D. Brookfield University of St. Thomas

Description: The article by Stephen D. Brookfield discusses the importance of addressing whiteness and racial identity in predominantly white institutions, emphasizing the need for intersectional conversations and challenging white supremacy.

Resource Reviews

Author(s): Cristine Smith University of Massachusetts

Description: The article reviews the book “Foundations of Adult and Continuing Education,” which provides a comprehensive overview of the field, including philosophy, history, psychology, policy, and specific contexts in the United States. It is recommended for graduate courses in adult education.

Author(s): Johan E. Uvin Institute for Educational Leadership

Description: The review evaluates the usefulness of the resources in the archive and acknowledges the value they bring to practitioners, policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders in the field of work-related basic skills.

Research Digest

Author(s): Dominique T. Chlup Inspiring the Creative Within®, LLC

Description: This article discusses the importance of cultivating creativity in adult literacy education and suggests strategies, such as question-based brainstorming, arts integration, and promoting divergent thinking, for fostering creativity.

Technology Solutions for Adult Basic Skills Challenges

Author(s): David J. Rosen Newsome Associates

Description: The article discusses the challenges and solutions for developing blended learning programs in adult basic skills education. It emphasizes the importance of program planning and provides resources for implementing blended learning effectively.


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