Mark Vineis
President and Chief Executive Officer
Mark is responsible for scaling ProLiteracy as an organization and increasing its overall impact through developing clear strategies, strengthening cross-division synergies, and growing the organization’s internal capabilities.
Vineis founded Mondo Publishing in 1986. Mondo began as a professional development organization that then evolved into a creator of supplemental, core, intervention, and digital tools for English language arts (ELA). Mondo became a progressive and recognizable ELA brand in K–12 education. In 2018, Vineis led the sale of Mondo Publishing to Carnegie Learning and served as the managing director of both Mondo Education and K–12 ELA at Carnegie Learning until the end of 2019. In 2020, Vineis started EmpowerED Digitial Solutions to consult with EdTech stakeholders across the sector, working together to rethink and shape student-centered learning and explore how technology and professional learning can help educators and students reach their highest potential.
Mark holds a bachelor of business administration degree and a bachelor of arts degree from Pace University.