Instructor Spotlight: Russell Joy, Literacy Mid-South
In the five years Russell Joy has volunteered at Literacy Mid-South, he's built a loyal following of students, many of whom have expressed that he’s the best English teacher they’ve ever had.
Get the latest news and stories from the adult literacy field.
The new PIAAC Survey of Adult Skills data indicates 60 million US adults read at the lowest levels, while 72 million are at the lowest levels for numeracy.
In the five years Russell Joy has volunteered at Literacy Mid-South, he's built a loyal following of students, many of whom have expressed that he’s the best English teacher they’ve ever had.
Over the past few years, as programs were challenged at every turn, two of our member programs found ways to thrive.
ProLiteracy is proud to be a member of the newly established Adult Literacy and Learning Impact Network, or ALL IN.
Following the 1994 Rwandan genocide, our partner program SEVOTA has offered functional literacy classes and educational discussions to empower women.
In 2013, at 68 years old, John H. Taylor decided to go back to school. He couldn’t read or write, but he knew it wasn’t too late for him.
Gerno Allen knew he wanted to enlist in the U.S. Army, but he would need to pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, a test that measures a young adult’s strength and potential success for military training.