US Adults Need Stronger Skills to Thrive in a Changing World
The new PIAAC Survey of Adult Skills data indicates 60 million US adults read at the lowest levels, while 72 million are at the lowest levels for numeracy.
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The new PIAAC Survey of Adult Skills data indicates 60 million US adults read at the lowest levels, while 72 million are at the lowest levels for numeracy.
The new PIAAC Survey of Adult Skills data indicates 60 million US adults read at the lowest levels, while 72 million are at the lowest levels for numeracy.
We are thankful for the many ways our lives and communities are enriched through the work we do.
President and CEO Mark Vineis reflects on all he is grateful for at ProLiteracy.
Research articles published in our new issue of Adult Literacy Education look at psychological stress in adult learners.
We announced the 2024 award recipients at a special luncheon during our Conference on Adult Education, held October 6–9 in Baltimore.
ProLiteracy is pleased to announce that our Board of Directors has appointed longtime Board Member Kate Costello-Sullivan to the position of Board Chair.