Popular ESL Author’s ‘Long Stories Short’ Builds Reading and Language Connections
The new ESL series from New Readers Press uses entertaining stories as the basis to teach vocabulary, grammar, spelling, syntax, pronunciation, and more.
Get the latest news and stories from the adult literacy field.
The new PIAAC Survey of Adult Skills data indicates 60 million US adults read at the lowest levels, while 72 million are at the lowest levels for numeracy.
The new ESL series from New Readers Press uses entertaining stories as the basis to teach vocabulary, grammar, spelling, syntax, pronunciation, and more.
Project Learn of Summit County, in Akron, OH, uses National Book Fund gran to support its math bootcamp program to help students earn GED credential
The goal is to attract volunteers to your adult literacy program and then keep them coming back. When you look at the big picture, it’s easier than you think.
Three adult education networks share their experiences working with social service providers to create a community-based approach to literacy education.
Day in and day out, ProLiteracy works in the US and internationally to educate women, which is one of the foundations to achieving gender equality.
Literacy NJ is taking steps to prioritize adults at the lowest literacy levels by implementing a new Steps to Success initiative.