The webinar introduces Citizenshipworks, a website that simplifies the process of applying for citizenship. Gerardo and Amber present its features, resources, and accessibility.
Related Resources
Grandma Needs English, Too
Immigrants in their later years can succeed at learning English and becoming citizens if they have access to instruction that considers their particular interests and stage of development.
“I Can’t Apply Without Thinking!” Helping Migrants Develop Their Perceived Employability Through Self-Appraisal in an Online Job Search
This paper explores the literacy experiences of migrant job seekers in the United Kingdom, looking online for work, adding to other studies on the topic.
Fact Sheet/Infographic
Changes to Form N-400 Citizenship Application
This document outlines what's new and different on the new Form N-400 Citizenship Application, which must be used beginning June 3, 2024.
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