
Teacher Training Plus

October 2022 - March 2025


General Adult Education Field


Training and support for tutors and teachers working with students reading and writing below an 8th grade level.

Most tutors and teachers receive quality training before they start working with students. However, once they begin their teaching experience, they have little access to additional training and support.

Teacher Training Plus, funded by the Dollar General Literacy Foundation, is a webinar series across several strands that presents best-practice instructional strategies. These video recordings were presented in the fall of 2022 and are continuous throughout the year.

Within each strand, we identified areas of need and designed webinars to address each. Throughout all three topics, we addressed working in a multilevel class or group and converting in-person teaching strategies to distance learning.


Basic Literacy

English Language Learning

High School Equivalency

Math Instruction

Using Published Materials

Workplace Literacy