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Health Literacy and COVID-19: Implications for the ABE/ASE Classroom

The article discusses the gap between health communication and adults with lower literacy skills, emphasizing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights the importance of incorporating health literacy in adult education to improve understanding and decision-making.

Learn more about Health Literacy and COVID-19: Implications for the ABE/ASE Classroom


Community-Based Adult Learning: A Scottish Case Study in the Time of COVID-19

This Scottish case study examines the impact of COVID-19 on community-based adult learning (CBAL), highlighting reduced funding, digital inequalities, and the importance of CBAL for promoting well-being.

Learn more about Community-Based Adult Learning: A Scottish Case Study in the Time of COVID-19


An Intelligent Tutoring System for Adult Literacy Learners: Lessons for Practitioners

The research paper discusses the development and implementation of AutoTutor, a web-based tutoring system for adults with reading difficulties, addressing challenges in adult literacy instruction.

Learn more about An Intelligent Tutoring System for Adult Literacy Learners: Lessons for Practitioners


Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on Adult Literacy Skills in the United States

The article discusses the importance of adult literacy skills in terms of economic and social well-being and examines the temporal sources of literacy skill variation, specifically age, period, and cohort effects.

Learn more about Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on Adult Literacy Skills in the United States


Adult Mental Health in Education: Examining the Needs of Today’s Adult Learner

The article discusses the prevalence of mental illness in adults, the importance of understanding mental health in education, and the need for inclusive classrooms and accommodations to support learners with mental health needs.

Learn more about Adult Mental Health in Education: Examining the Needs of Today’s Adult Learner


A Digital Literacy Program for Adults with Mental Health Conditions

The paper highlights the connection between low literacy, mental illness, and the importance of digital literacy in accessing health care. It emphasizes the potential of smartphone-based digital literacy programs like DOORs.

Learn more about A Digital Literacy Program for Adults with Mental Health Conditions

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