The Fisk Jubilee Singers
This lesson plan goes with a story about the Fisk Jubilee Singers, a singing group formed in 1871, whose members still sing songs and spirituals for audiences around the world.
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This lesson plan goes with a story about the Fisk Jubilee Singers, a singing group formed in 1871, whose members still sing songs and spirituals for audiences around the world.
This lesson plan goes with an article describing what African Americans and other minority groups went through to gain the right to vote.
This lesson plan goes with a story about Sandra Cisneros adapted from the American Lives series published by New Readers Press.
This lesson plan goes with a story about paying bills online. It is adapted from That’s Life: Day-to-Day Stories and Language Activities published by New Readers Press.
This lesson plan goes with a story about the history of New Orleans jazz, adapted from Across the U.S. published by New Readers Press.
This lesson plan goes with a story about Henry Ford, the assembly line, and the history of manufacturing.
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